Text-Driven Blog

Preaching on Joy

How does one preach on joy? My mind raced to a few different options. You could do a thematic study on the fruits of the Spirit and spend a week focusing on joy. But I think a more appropriate way to preach on joy will occur naturally when joy is the heart of ... Read More »

The Art of Biblical Passion in the Pulpit

One of those Monday morning wet blanket emails I received was from a non-member frequently attending our church. It appeared to him that the volume of my preaching was harmful to the human ear. Accompanying this electronic declaration were various line and bar... Read More »

Balthasar Hubmaier and Reformation Preaching

One of the most overlooked, understudied, and consistently ignored aspects of the Protestant Reformation can be found in the tortured history of the Radical Reformers. On this anniversary of the Reformation, a serious look at the impact of the Anabaptists and ... Read More »

Resources for Preaching Genesis

Every pastor should treat his people to a series of sermons through Genesis. The great John Chrysostom preached 75 sermons on Genesis! After all, it is the fountainhead of all Scripture. It is impossible to understand God’s panoramic plan of redemption apart... Read More »

The Christ Connection in Genesis

According to Luke 24:44–45 and John 5:46, the human authors of the Old Testament spoke of Jesus in their writings. Genesis foreshadows the coming of Jesus. In his book, Christ-Centered Preaching, Bryan Chapell asserts there are only a few passages in the Old... Read More »

Important Words in Genesis

Most of my students majoring in Media Arts and Worship don’t take the languages. It’s understandable; Hebrew and Greek aren’t required for the M.A. at DTS. Most of these artists don’t see the practical need for the languages—after all, they insist, t... Read More »

Preaching Justice from the Creation

“In the Beginning…” The book of Genesis is often the minister’s favorite biblical book to preach because of its fascinating and thrilling stories. However, Genesis is not a fairytale that offers life lessons. Genesis is not merely a collection of inter... Read More »

Finding the Pericopes for Genesis

Preaching historical narratives can, at times, be intimidating. Historical narratives do not function in the same way as, say, an epistle. Epistles are normally loaded with both indicatives and imperatives, thus providing the reader with a clear outline of wha... Read More »

Literary and Context Clues for Genesis

The Book of Genesis “presents the literary and theological underpinning of the whole canonical Scriptures.”[1]Kenneth A. Mathews, Genesis 1–11:26, NAC 1A (Nashville: B&H Publishing, 1996), 22. This foundational role that Genesis provides for understa... Read More »

How Genre Influences Preaching Genesis

With the theme of biblical redemptive history in mind, I recently preached a series of messages from the book Genesis. My intent was not to do a thorough study through the book but to help my congregation see that God’s redemptive plan started as far bac... Read More »

How Can Preaching Endure?

Where have all the preachers gone? Biblical, Christ-centered preaching seems to have fallen on hard times. Too many modern pulpits have morphed into platforms for religious motivational speakers, cultural communicators, and trendy entertainers. If they use Scr... Read More »

How Does the Preacher’s Spiritual Temperature Affect His Preaching?

There is a world of difference between preaching with fire in your bones and working up a sermon because you must preach on Sunday. Having been a pastor at the same church for over thirty years, I’ve preached through many of the books of the Bible. After you... Read More »

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