Evangelistic Preaching


The following article is part of a series of articles that will traverse church history to examine the preaching of great preachers. George Whitefield was one of the seminal figures of The Great Awakening. He was called a “Lion in the pulpit” and l... Read More »

Great Commission Preaching

Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everythin... Read More »

How Can Preaching Endure?

Where have all the preachers gone? Biblical, Christ-centered preaching seems to have fallen on hard times. Too many modern pulpits have morphed into platforms for religious motivational speakers, cultural communicators, and trendy entertainers. If they use Scr... Read More »

The Relevance of the Gospel

Every time I log into my Facebook account and scroll through the endless list of news, opinions, and experiences, my heart gets overwhelmed with a very wide gamut of feelings and emotions. I can go from laughter to anger in just two and a half seconds. I react... Read More »

Preaching as Kerygma: Proclaiming from the Example of the Earliest Believers

Life seemingly gives us two manners of learning. The first way is learning from personal experiences. Lessons from our experiences yield both pros and cons. Positively, we have the satisfaction of figuring out the matter. However, negatively, we face the agony... Read More »

Giving an Effective, Online Gospel Invitation

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unique circumstances and its share of difficulties. This crisis, however, has also created its fair share of people looking for a solution to their fears, struggles, and hopelessness and that brings the obligation on our part ... Read More »

Preaching and Evangelism

“Preach the Word…do the work of an evangelist.” (2 Timothy 4:2, 5) These imperatives are as vital today as when Paul spoke them to Timothy. You may not consider yourself an evangelist. It is not my office or particular gifted strength. However, I am stil... Read More »

Awaiting Gospel Preaching: Should Church Members Expect the Gospel in Every Sermon

If you’ve been in ministry for any length of time, then you know there are some times that we just get it wrong. We exegete a text wrongly, use a joke that is not helpful or even distracts, or we jump on a “soap-box” and go in a direction that has nothin... Read More »

Preaching Christ: What is Evangelistic Preaching?

By asking a what Question, our blog hosts have narrowed my subject to a definitional issue. Let’s then pursue a definition of evangelistic preaching. Such a definition certainly includes the evangelistic message and purpose, but it also emulates the activity... Read More »

Is Evangelistic Preaching Christ-Centered?

In the children’s Bible we read to our children at night, Sally Lloyd Jones rightly says, “The Bible isn’t mainly about you and what you should be doing. It’s about God and what He has done.” This simple statement defines the crux of a Christ-centere... Read More »