Personal Devotion


The following article is part of a series of articles that will explore necessary disciplines for preachers. As the title of the series suggests, these disciplines act as foundations for effective preaching.  A Christian preacher is someone who verbally commu... Read More »

Thankfulness in Preaching

Receiving God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ should shape a grateful heart as much as it compels a forgiving spirit. Grace and gratitude go hand in hand. Liberated from slavery to sin, redeemed people are grateful people. Gratitude, thanksgiving, and pra... Read More »

Preaching on Joy

How does one preach on joy? My mind raced to a few different options. You could do a thematic study on the fruits of the Spirit and spend a week focusing on joy. But I think a more appropriate way to preach on joy will occur naturally when joy is the heart of ... Read More »

How Does the Preacher’s Spiritual Temperature Affect His Preaching?

There is a world of difference between preaching with fire in your bones and working up a sermon because you must preach on Sunday. Having been a pastor at the same church for over thirty years, I’ve preached through many of the books of the Bible. After you... Read More »

The Impact of the Sermon over Time

Even though it was almost 40 years ago, I still remember it clearly. I was assembled with the other graduates of my Bible college. I was about to march in and receive my baccalaureate degree. The chairman of my college’s Board of Trustees asked for our atten... Read More »

5 Confessions of a Preacher

I’ll never forget the call I received one Wednesday afternoon. I was putting the finishing touches on the sermon I would preach to college students later that night. It was a call from North Phoenix Baptist Church asking me to pray about entering the process... Read More »

The Text: Touching the Preacher First

Martin Luther, as a middle-aged monk, was engaged in a political and theological debate over indulgences.[1]Martin Luther, and Tryntje Helfferich, The Essential Luther, Hackett Classics. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc, 2018. Accessed 1-6-2020. T... Read More »