Text-Driven Blog

The Relevance of the Gospel

Every time I log into my Facebook account and scroll through the endless list of news, opinions, and experiences, my heart gets overwhelmed with a very wide gamut of feelings and emotions. I can go from laughter to anger in just two and a half seconds. I react... Read More »

Who’s My Audience?

“Worship isn’t God’s show. God is the audience. God’s watching. The congregation, they are the actors in this drama. Worship is their show. And the minister is just reminding the people of their forgotten lines.” — Soren Kierkegaard Who are we pre... Read More »

Where are the text-driven preachers?

I love being at a seminary that fully embraces the idea of text-driven preaching. But who is really responsible for the idea of text-driven preaching becoming prevalent in our churches? Many will see this as the role of the seminary, but I think there is more ... Read More »

Are Sermons Too Predictable?

As of August 2020, I have preached almost 300 sermons at Mayhill Baptist, the church I have had the joy of pastoring since April 2017. Before COVID-19, we had morning and evening services, so I got to pad my sermon stats pretty quickly. During COVID-19, we hav... Read More »

How is Preaching Received Today?

In his classic homiletical work, Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today, John Stott insists that the preacher keep one foot firmly planted in the ancient text and one planted in the contemporary context; one in the biblical world and one in the c... Read More »

The Finishing Touches

We’ve completed the exegesis of a passage of Scripture and have an exegetical outline developed. In a text-driven fashion, the substance, structure, and spirit of the text have been discovered. From our exegetical labors, we have crafted a preaching outline.... Read More »

Putting Your Study into an Outline

When I first got started preaching, the outline of the study was something that I struggled with greatly. At the end of the research into the text, surrounded by stacks of books, papers, notes, and wads of paper, it was time to outline the sermon. In these ear... Read More »

Preaching Constants vs. Pastoral Concerns

I have only been a Senior Pastor for about four months, but what a wild four months it has been. When I surrendered to the call to pastor, I never envisioned that would mean having to become a televangelist so quickly. I preached my first sermon on March 1, 20... Read More »

Interpreting the Text Theologically

One of the questions that often arises when interpreting a text concerns theology. As Steven W. Smith has emphasized: we don’t preach sermons; we preach texts. As such, the meaning of the pericope—the preaching text—should be our greatest concern. We mus... Read More »

Finding the Main Idea

I have been preaching for nearly 20 years. I started later in life compared to some of these young guns right out of seminary. I started preaching with no formal preaching education. All I had was my Bible and Dr. Adrian Rogers’ “Love Worth Finding” radi... Read More »

Dissecting the Structure

In their book Preach, Mark Dever and Greg Gilbert argue, “Expositional preaching is preaching in which the main point of the Biblical text being considered becomes the main point of the sermon being preached.”[1]Mark Dever and Greg Gilbert, Preach ... Read More »


The late Adrian Rogers used to joke that he would “rather be a Baptist preacher than have a paying job!” Clearly, as Dr. Rogers obviously knew, the calling to ministry is more than a job. But it is work. Regarding the work, every pastor quickly learns two ... Read More »

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