Kie Bowman


The following article is part of a series of articles that will explore necessary disciplines for preachers. As the title of the series suggests, these disciplines act as foundations for effective preaching. Charles Spurgeon challenged preachers to, “Study y... Read More »


The late Adrian Rogers used to joke that he would “rather be a Baptist preacher than have a paying job!” Clearly, as Dr. Rogers obviously knew, the calling to ministry is more than a job. But it is work. Regarding the work, every pastor quickly learns two ... Read More »

Theology of Ephesians

The tallest mountain in the United States is Denali (formerly Mt. McKinley), located in Alaska. When the most impressive peak is in plain sight, it may be easy to overlook the fact that the second through sixth tallest mountains in the country are in Alaska to... Read More »

Important Words in Jonah

Maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise when we learn how few unique vocabulary words there are in the Bible. If we discount the names and multiple locations mentioned (sometimes only once), the number of unique words drops even more. For instance, while there... Read More »

Uncovering the Doctrine in Your Text

You’ll probably feel a slight loss of control and a vibration. There might be a distinct sound. Your new car is telling you something about your driving. In fact, when you feel the steering wheel course correcting your automobile because you’re weaving out... Read More »

Spitting Fire: How Genre Influences Preaching James

I raised my son Joseph on a steady diet of Bob Dylan. I wasn’t too surprised, therefore, when Joseph became a fan of the young indie-rock and folk songwriter, Connor Oberst. Joseph noticed similarities between the younger artist’s writing style and the fam... Read More »

Is It Necessary to Prepare a Year-Long Sermon Calendar?

Every Monday morning when I wake up I have the same thought: “It’s almost Sunday.” Most pastors quickly recognize that the rigor of developing original, interesting, transformational, biblical sermons week after week is a heavy and unrelenting load to ca... Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – Kie Bownam (1998)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. Kie Bownam. Read More »