Pastoral Ministry

The Preacher’s Ministry As Shepherd and Counselor

Preaching has many roles. Preaching can fulfill the purposes of teaching, evangelism, discipleship, or a multitude of other functions. However, the preacher has a responsibility in his preaching that is often overlooked. The preacher has a duty to shepherd his... Read More »

The Role of Personal Piety in the Preacher

For followers of Christ, especially those in leadership, character (who you are when no one is watching) and reputation (who others believe you to be) should match as closely as possible.  For this to be possible, the decision must be made to dedicate oneself... Read More »

Pastoral Ministry as an Extension of the Pulpit

Some preachers inevitably believe that the preaching ministry is primary and pastoral ministry flows from the preaching ministry of the pastor. However, this is simply not true. While preaching is certainly one of the roles of the pastor, preaching is not all ... Read More »

How Theology Informs Our Leading

“God told me to do it.” Those have to be some of the most dangerous and abused words in the English language. Some of the cruelest acts of humanity hide under the banner of those six words. God is blamed for incomprehensible evil by those six words. Just h... Read More »

The Role of Academic Theology in the Life of the Pastor

I personally have had conversations with both those in and outside the academy who do not like the term pastor-theologian. I do not know if the opposition is based on a substantive or functional objection. I do, however, know that if you are a pastor, it is no... Read More »

Assessing Theological Needs in the Church

As the author of Hebrews draws his letter to a close, he charges his readers to obey and submit to their leaders, and the reason for his instruction is clear: “they keep watch over your souls” (Heb 13:17). But then, the author explains the manner in which ... Read More »

Is the Pastor a Theologian?

Their child had only begun showing symptoms two days earlier. Deeply concerned from the beginning, they tried not to panic but called the doctor promptly, only to be told to take their son to the emergency room immediately. The staff made a valiant effort, mar... Read More »

The Minister’s Reflection

Here we stand at a turning point of our lives, at the end of one year and the bright beginning of another. Many of us will kick off the year with a bang as we stay up and ring in the New Year with loved ones. For most people, this time of the year brings [&hel... Read More »

How Social Media Influences Our Preaching

“Millions of Friends, but Not Very Popular”. This is the headline to the “New York Times” review of the 2010 feature film “The Social Network,” which chronicles the 2003 development and deployment of Facebook by its founder Mark Zuckerberg. From th... Read More »

Preaching and Leadership

We live in a time obsessed with leadership. From TED talks to Facebook message boards, people (leaders and non-leaders) possess a plentitude of opinions on the proper practice of leadership. This obsession isn’t a modern, secular phenomenon either. The evang... Read More »