Pastoral Ministry

Keeping Wolves Away

In January of 2018, my wife and I moved to a new city to embark on my first pastorate. We live in a parsonage that is about a mile away from the church. This is nice, given that we were straight out of seminary. But it also has its drawbacks, as many can attes... Read More »

The Shepherd-Preacher: Comforting Those Who Are Grieving

Loss is real, and grief plagues everyone to some degree. The struggle of grief can present itself through the loss of a family member, a pet, or even a job. The overwhelming emotion of grief can hit at any time. Grief, known as the emotion experienced after lo... Read More »

The Shepherd-Preacher: Strengthening Weak Sheep

God wants his disciples to grow in their faith. It is the desire of God that those who come to know him as Savior also begin to follow him as Lord. The Lord wants us “growing into maturity” (Ephesians 4:13) and he is never satisfied for us to remain weak, ... Read More »

Preaching as Shepherding

I generally eat every day. Some days more than others; some less. Some meals are more memorable than others. Some are more pleasurable than others. But all serve a vital purpose in my life. I eat because food is necessary for life. In the same way, spiritual f... Read More »


It seems each Holiday season comes with a litany of new blockbuster films. Often these films involve fictional heroes facing monumental battles. The screens are filled with grand images, the soundtracks are loud, and the story moves briskly as the hero snatche... Read More »

Preaching Difficult Texts

Preaching is hard. Our responsibility to rightly divide the word of truth requires discipline and diligence (2 Tim 2:15). And, the magnitude of our task and ultimate accountability before the Lord is humbling and, in many ways, overwhelming (cf. Js 3:1). But t... Read More »

Mentoring: Teaching Other Preachers

Moses and Joshua, Elijah and Elisha, Paul and Timothy. Mentorship is an established tradition within our faith. Proverbs 27:17 reads, “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” It’s clear that we need each other. In 2 Timothy 2:2, an... Read More »

Mentoring: Learning from a Mentor

Mentoring is a prominent Christian/spiritual discipline.[1] This writer counts mentoring as one of eighteen spiritual disciplines – daily devotions, journaling, Scripture memorization, accountability/mentoring/guidance, character development, Bible intake, p... Read More »

Engaging Creativity

Creativity in ministry is a gift from God and our gifts are never exhausted, but what can stifle creativity in ministry is when we as leaders are exhausted. Most pastors I know are hardworking, tireless men who visit people in hospitals, do funerals, counsel m... Read More »

Developing the Intellect

When asked by the Pharisees which command in the Law is the greatest, our Lord Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind…love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt 22:37). For the pastor, t... Read More »