Pastoral Care


The following article is part of a series of articles that will explore necessary disciplines for preachers. As the title of the series suggests, these disciplines act as foundations for effective preaching. The Apostle Paul wrote, “For God is my witness, ho... Read More »

Keeping Wolves Away

In January of 2018, my wife and I moved to a new city to embark on my first pastorate. We live in a parsonage that is about a mile away from the church. This is nice, given that we were straight out of seminary. But it also has its drawbacks, as many can attes... Read More »

The Shepherd-Preacher: Comforting Those Who Are Grieving

Loss is real, and grief plagues everyone to some degree. The struggle of grief can present itself through the loss of a family member, a pet, or even a job. The overwhelming emotion of grief can hit at any time. Grief, known as the emotion experienced after lo... Read More »

The Healing Power of the Word

“Is there no balm in Gilead?”   The nineteenth-century British luminary Joseph Parker said, “Preach to the suffering, and you will never lack a congregation. There is a broken heart in every pew.” We live in a broken and hurting world. There are f... Read More »

The Shepherd-Preacher: Strengthening Weak Sheep

God wants his disciples to grow in their faith. It is the desire of God that those who come to know him as Savior also begin to follow him as Lord. The Lord wants us “growing into maturity” (Ephesians 4:13) and he is never satisfied for us to remain weak, ... Read More »

The Preacher’s Ministry As Shepherd and Counselor

Preaching has many roles. Preaching can fulfill the purposes of teaching, evangelism, discipleship, or a multitude of other functions. However, the preacher has a responsibility in his preaching that is often overlooked. The preacher has a duty to shepherd his... Read More »

How Theology Informs Our Counseling

“What role does theology play in counseling?” This simple, yet thought-provoking question was asked by Dr. John Babler during a counseling PhD seminar last fall. Students, both in class and online, offered their perspectives with varying degrees of eloquen... Read More »

Assessing Theological Needs in the Church

As the author of Hebrews draws his letter to a close, he charges his readers to obey and submit to their leaders, and the reason for his instruction is clear: “they keep watch over your souls” (Heb 13:17). But then, the author explains the manner in which ... Read More »

Preaching and Pastoral Care

When God calls a man to serve as a pastor in a local church, there are countless tasks he needs to complete. The primary tasks can be divided into several main categories including feeding, leading, and protecting. There are many ways in which a pastor accompl... Read More »

The Preacher Who Cares: How Pastoral Ministry Accentuates the Preacher’s Pulpit

In a culture that is increasingly privatized, individualized and scandalized, the need for preachers to care genuinely for those to whom they preach perhaps has never been so important. Whether he chooses to acknowledge it or not, the manner in which the preac... Read More »