Christocentric Preaching

Christomonism: A Pitfall of Christocentric Preaching

The term “Christ-centered preaching” is an expression utilized by modern evangelical preachers. This Christocentric approach supported by Sidney Greidanus, Bryan Chapell, and Graeme Goldsworthy, among others, has encouraged preachers to focus on Christ so ... Read More »

Is Theocentric Preaching Enough?

You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to me so that you may have life (John 5:39–40 NASB). The question before us is, “Is theocentric preaching enoug... Read More »

Savoring Jesus: The Christ-Connection in the Letter of James

Martin Luther, the Reformer who famously (and unknowingly) ignited the Protestant Reformation by nailing his ninety-five theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, found solace in Paul’s teaching on justification by faith alone in Christ... Read More »

Testifying to Gospel Preaching: Jesus and the Gospel in the Old Testament

One of the greatest aspects of the Bible is the forward nature of the plan of God. From the first words we find in Genesis to the last amen in Revelation, we see a plan that is constantly moving forward. The Old Testament weaves throughout its pages the messag... Read More »

Gospel Preaching: Is Jesus the Central Theme of Every Sermon?

Gospel Preaching is the Proclamation of the Good News. The Good News, as understood in the Word of God, is that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of man and rose from the dead on the third day! The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is the Gospe... Read More »

Preaching Christ to Build the Church

I am currently preaching through the Book of Nehemiah. We are only in chapter two, but we are being challenged and blessed by the faith and leadership of God’s builder in 444 BC. Long before our current President spoke of building a wall of protection along ... Read More »

Preaching Christ in the Power of the Spirit

Like a lot of kids growing up, I played summer league baseball. We were living in Chattanooga, Tennessee at the time, and I can still feel the intense heat reflecting off home plate as I wiped it clean each inning with my catcher’s glove.   Not too many ki... Read More »

Preaching Christ: What Jesus Said about the Kingdom of God

Perhaps, an obvious and explicit application comes to mind when we read Matthew 13. The application in question relates closely to the imagery of “the man buying the field” or “the merchant seeking fine pearls.” Essentially, once we understand the wort... Read More »

Preaching Christ: The Resurrection

As Easter Sunday rolls around each year, preachers everywhere wonder, “How can I preach a fresh sermon on the resurrection?” “How can I preach something that doesn’t sound just like last year, and the year before, and the year before….?” This c... Read More »

Preaching Christ: What is Evangelistic Preaching?

By asking a what Question, our blog hosts have narrowed my subject to a definitional issue. Let’s then pursue a definition of evangelistic preaching. Such a definition certainly includes the evangelistic message and purpose, but it also emulates the activity... Read More »