John B. Mann


The following article is part of a series of articles that will traverse church history to examine the preaching of great preachers.  Most of us will never be considered such great orators that we are given a nickname that means “Golden Mouth.” Chrysostom... Read More »

The Pastoral Context of Preaching

The expectations placed upon the pastor in the modern day can be overwhelming to anyone who occupies the office. Each day confronts every pastor with overwhelming obligations. These obligations are sometimes expected and often unexpected. In order to meet the ... Read More »

Is Theocentric Preaching Enough?

You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to me so that you may have life (John 5:39–40 NASB). The question before us is, “Is theocentric preaching enoug... Read More »

Biblical Truth: The Sermon’s Invention

Most preachers have faced the frustration of the clock. A text is packed with information that begs to be explained and applied. The preacher, excited by what he has discovered through exegesis, anxiously anticipates showing the congregation the jewels within ... Read More »

The Need for Theology in the Pulpit

The words resound in my mind to this day. The revival preacher had opened the Bible, read the text, and began to preach. As he made his way through the body of the sermon, the people waited with anticipation for the crescendo toward which the preacher was buil... Read More »

Preaching Pointers from Acts

The book of Acts is the Spirit-inspired narrative of the church in formation. If your church is in need of being motivated to carry the gospel to the world, then Acts may very well be the book through which to lead your church in order to experience a divine c... Read More »