Text-Driven Blog

Preaching Christ: What is Evangelistic Preaching?

By asking a what Question, our blog hosts have narrowed my subject to a definitional issue. Let’s then pursue a definition of evangelistic preaching. Such a definition certainly includes the evangelistic message and purpose, but it also emulates the activity... Read More »

Is Evangelistic Preaching Christ-Centered?

In the children’s Bible we read to our children at night, Sally Lloyd Jones rightly says, “The Bible isn’t mainly about you and what you should be doing. It’s about God and what He has done.” This simple statement defines the crux of a Christ-centere... Read More »

Is Christ-Centered Preaching Evangelistic?

“Is Christ-centered preaching evangelistic?” I must admit that I was a bit confused when a fellow student posed the question in a PhD seminar. The question seemed out of place and presumed a false dichotomy exists between Christ-centered preaching and evan... Read More »

Preaching Christ Centered Sermons: A Text-Driven Approach

Throughout the years, numerous discussions concerning whether the focus of preaching, should be Christocentric or theocentric have occurred. The point of this post is to briefly discuss Christ-Centered preaching as a text-driven approach. When I began preachin... Read More »

The Preacher as Steward

Pastors are called to stewardship. Of course, one could say that this is the calling of every believer. And they would be correct. The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 demonstrates that we are all to be stewards of whatever God has given us. While this is ... Read More »

The Preacher As Expositor

“I’m an expository preacher.” I’ve heard more preachers describe their preaching like that than any other way. However, I’ve observed that considerably more preachers call themselves expositors than actually preach expositionally.... Read More »

The Preacher and His Family: Leading Your Family in God’s Two Gardens

In Psalm 127, Solomon refers to children as a “heritage” or an “inheritance” from the Lord. It’s easy to miss how revolutionary that statement is. Solomon isn’t saying that children will receive our inheritance. He is saying that they are our inher... Read More »

The Preacher as Evangelist: Evangelistic Preaching

Some things go together – a boy and his bicycle, a little girl and her doll, and a bride and her groom. Preaching and evangelism are like these – they logically go together. Jesus was a preacher. We read in Mark 1:14, “Jesus came…preaching.” Jesus Hi... Read More »

The Preacher as Teacher

The first time that I participated in a dive was in a swimming pool with a depth of ten feet.  Then came the moment off the coast of Hawaii when, as an advanced diver working at a depth of fifty feet, I checked my daughter Carmen’s air gage and discovered t... Read More »

The Preacher as Biblical Counselor

As a pastor, the last thing you need is another hat to wear. To add the title of counselor to that list of duties is not a specialization that you have time to pursue. But, your people experience the brokenness of our cursed human condition and idleness is not... Read More »

The Preacher as Theologian: Why Theology is Needed for Text-Driven Preaching

“Sure, I learned lots of theology in seminary… Lots of answers to questions that nobody is asking!” My friend’s words made my stomach lurch. Not because I’m a systematic theology professor, but because like him, I’m also a preac... Read More »

The Preacher as Pastor | Why Text-Driven Preaching is Needed for Healthy Pastoral Ministry

It is a joy to serve at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where we espouse what is called “Text-Driven Preaching.” Simply put, we want the chosen text (Yes there should be an actual biblical text) to drive the sermon. The text-driven preacher is co... Read More »

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