Clint Ellis


The following article is part of a series of articles that will traverse church history to examine the preaching of great preachers. George Whitefield was one of the seminal figures of The Great Awakening. He was called a “Lion in the pulpit” and l... Read More »

Rooting out Sin in the Church: Making Use of Systematic Exposition

“Preacher, you must have been reading our mail.” “Have you been listening to us over the back fence?” “How did you know what I’ve been struggling with in my life?” Expressions like these are heard in churches everywhere. The implication is th... Read More »

Watch Out For Applicational Hypocrisy

I’ll never forget my first trip to the mountains. My adolescent eyes were filled with awe. The mountains rose high above our car. Occasionally there was a waterfall that sprung from the mountainside. Wonder was not the only emotion I experienced. My über-ob... Read More »

Application and Meaning: A Stairway to Climb

It was the biggest blind spot in my preaching ministry. A year and a half into my first pastorate, I discovered it. The previous few weeks I had noticed that there was a spiritual need in our congregation. I was finishing a series, so I scheduled the next one ... Read More »

A Word to the Congregation

I will admit it. I am a stubborn student of preaching. I have never been to Missouri, but in many ways, my preaching ministry must have distant relatives in the “Show Me State.” In each of my preaching classes, I was taught the importance of preaching wi... Read More »

The Need to Preach Seldom-Preached Texts

I was a newly-minted pastor. Fresh off of my first couple of expository book studies, I announced that I would be preaching the life of Joseph. The excitement was tangible. Unfortunately, I had not adequately prepped the series and was laying it out as I went.... Read More »