Who is a God like You? Theological Themes in Micah

Introduction “Describe the universe and give two examples.” I remember this tongue-in-cheek exam question my high school physics teacher tossed before our class with a smile on his face. Of course, answering the question is impossible. One may atte... Read More »

Micah – The Man and His Times

Name and Location The prophet Micah lived in a turbulent time for the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. His name is a shortened variation of the name Micaiah, which means “who is like Yahweh.”[1]Also found in Judges 17-18; 1Kings 22. The name p... Read More »

Micah as a Case Study for Preaching and Teaching the Prophets

Introduction As a Christian I am interested in seeing our Scriptures handled properly. As a professor whose specialty is the study of the prophetic materials, I am keenly aware that the prophetic corpus presents some of the most rewarding and difficult texts w... Read More »

Preaching the Word

First [of all] what are we to do? You are to preach, not run a moving picture show. I glory in the power of the printed pages. But, brethren, the one thing to which God called men is to preach and teach. That is your mission. Hundreds may lecture; but the grea... Read More »

Purpose and Function of Gifts in 1 Corinthians

Even a cursory reading of 1 Corinthians alerts the observant reader to the fact that certain (groups of) Corinthian Christians distorted and abused some gifts, which they might have held in higher regard than others because they were deemed more spectacular. R... Read More »

Preaching from First Corinthians

As President of Southwestern I am frequently asked by church members to recommend persons to their search committee to serve in the role of pastor.   On the other hand, I am also frequently sought out by graduating students and alumni, who would like for me ... Read More »

The Theology of Genesis 1-11

Introduction The universal history of Genesis 1-11 portrays God’s relationship to the world and to humankind with broad and bold theological strokes that transverse a landscape rich in literary detail and historical texture.[1]I refer to these chapters a... Read More »

An Exposition of Genesis 2:4-11:32

Introduction In Genesis 2:4-11:32, human beings appear at their best and worst. The creation account thrusts the reader back in time and allows a glimpse of Eden in all of its splendor and perfection. However, in an instant, this flawless world collapsed, and ... Read More »

Reading Genesis 1

Introduction But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King… But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding. Jeremiah 10:10, 12 (NIV) “God looked into... Read More »

Hermeneutics and Genesis 1-11

Introduction Beyond all question, the church’s premier interpreters of Holy Scripture are its pastoral preachers-that is (and I am purposely being precise here) those who, when they stand in the pulpit, seek to let the Bible do the talking, so that the l... Read More »