Jesus Christ, The Good to Great Shepherd

The Christology of the New Testament cannot be understood apart from the book of Hebrews. Yet, the portraiture of Christ in the book is over- whelming. The introduction is perhaps the most provocative of any epistle as it launches into the famous Christology. ... Read More »

The Freedom of God and the Hope of Israel: Theological Interpretation of Romans 9

Introduction Romans 9, of course, concerns Israel, yet it has repeatedly been a battleground in theological debate over soteriology. The focus has been on issues of election, human freedom and divine sovereignty. Romans 9 has provided foundational material for... Read More »

Yahweh’s Self Revelation in Deed and Word: A Biblical Theology of 1-2 Samuel

The phrase “Biblical theology,” when applied to a text, typically refers to the theological themes embedded in that text by authorial intention. For the purpose of this essay, I use the phrase in a more restricted theocentric sense to refer to what the tex... Read More »

Encountering Culture in Light of the Book of Daniel

Introduction[1]Adapted from an address delivered at the Sola Scriptura or Sola Cultura? Conference held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, April 14-15, 2011. In this reflection, I want to examine how four Hebrew children responded to a culture chang... Read More »

Proclaiming the Changeless Truth in These Changing Times

The problem the evangelical church faces today is that we are proclaiming a premodern message in postmodern times. This is true in three crucial areas: absolutism, exclusivism, and supernaturalism. Evangelicals believe in absolute truth. We also hold that Chri... Read More »

Herschel Harold Hobbs: Pastoral and Denominational Expositor-Theologian

Herschel Hobbs[1]Presented at “The Gaskin Lectures” on the “Thought and Work of Herschel Harold Hobbs,” 3 October 2011, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Oklahoma. has been identified as a “thoroughgoing biblicist,” firs... Read More »

Seeing Jesus Clearly: A Sermon from Mark 8:22-33

As we continue our study through the Gospel of Mark, we find ourselves face-to-face with one of the strangest stories in all of the New Testament. It is certainly one of the oddest miracles in the ministry of Jesus and the most baffling event in the Gospel of ... Read More »

Christology of Preaching

Contemporary homiletic theory is often driven by immediate prag­matic ends: change lives, draw a crowd, attract seekers, or affect an immediate response. These ambitions in sum are not morally disabled. The problem is that in the expediency to accomplish sele... Read More »

Preaching Through the Sermon on the Mount

A preacher’s dream text, the Sermon on the Mount, practically preaches itself. This sublime sermon bursts with object lessons,[1]Standing on the hills just northeast of the Sea of Galilee-the traditional location of the Sermon on the Mount-it is easy to ... Read More »

The Most Often Abused Verses in the Sermon on the Mount and How to Treat Them Right

At least once a year, students who have been reading for another class Dallas Willard’s influential spiritual formation primer, The Divine Conspiracy, come to me asking if I agree with his perspective on the beatitudes. If they have already had me for ou... Read More »