We are excited to announce that Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary will be hosting an Effective Preaching Workshop from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Monday, September 30, 2024 at the Riley Center on campus. The focus of the workshop will be 2 Corinthians. Part... Read More »


We are excited to inform our readers that PreachingSource is returning from hiatus. We will begin posting blog articles next Monday, April 22! Read More »


We want to let all our readers know that PreachingSource blog posts will be on hiatus this summer. In the meantime, all other website resources are available, including all previous posts. We hope you will continue to enjoy and utilize PreachingSource.com! Read More »

Breakout Session D: Malcolm Yarnell

Malcolm Yarnell’s breakout session at the 2020 Text-Driven Preaching Conference. Read More »

How to Survive and Thrive in the Apostasy

One of the most-watched and most-popular shows on television in recent years has been 24. This is a show concerned with terrorist infiltration into virtually every area of the U. S. Government. The show’s protagonist is Jack Bauer, an anti-terrorist agen... Read More »

Keeping Your People Glued to Jude: Using Illustrations that Stick

John Phillips once told the story of a young Indian brave in New Mexico that fell in love with a young girl.[1]This article is a transcription of an address by the same title delivered to the Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop, Southwestern Baptist Theolog... Read More »

The Benefit of Baseline Exposition

One of the things that I would say that we are bullish about at Southwestern Seminary is text-driven preaching.[1]This article is a transcription of an address by the same title delivered to the Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop, Southwestern Baptist Theo... Read More »

Jude 6

Hopefully, I will not be offensive to remark that there are two kinds of preaching: text-driven preaching and bad preaching.[1]This article is a transcription of an address by the same title delivered to the Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop, Southwestern... Read More »

Contending for the Faith: Jude 3-4

Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, w... Read More »

Preaching Through Jude

For over fifty years I was a pastor,[1]This article is a transcription of an address by the same title delivered to the Advanced Expository Preaching Workshop, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2-3 March 2015. but now as an itinerant preacher I find t... Read More »