
The Prestige Challenge: The Danger of “Keeping Up with the Jones'” as a Preacher

Prestige is defined as “reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes.”[1]”Prestige” from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/prestige?s=t. Can the desire for prestige become a danger for th... Read More »

The Passion Challenge: Why Preachers Need Both Light and Heat in the Pulpit

It’s Sunday night. It’s late. You’re exhausted. But you just can’t seem to turn off your mind. You had an unexpected funeral on Tuesday (when are they ever expected?), a wedding on Saturday, and you preached the best sermon you knew how—but no one se... Read More »

A Word to Young Preachers about Pride

NOTE: This post is slightly revised from David L. Allen, 1-3 John: Fellowship in God’s Family, in Preaching the Word, R. Kent Hughes, ed. (Wheaton: IL, 2013), 275-77. If you are in a leadership position in someone’s church, and especially if you are a past... Read More »

Advice for Preachers

In his book, Design for Preaching (1958), Henry Grady Davis offers some sage advice for preachers. Here are some of his insights: The preacher has only so much time for preparation, and it is never enough time. If he devotes too much time to form and too littl... Read More »

Needed: A Return to Old-Time Preaching (Part 2)

NOTE: This is part of an article by Vance Havner which appeared in the journal Logos on March 1, 1978. Click here for part one. Part three is to follow. The preacher we need is authoritative: My Lord taught as one “having authority and not as the scribes,”... Read More »

Needed: A Return to Old-Time Preaching (Part 1)

NOTE: This is part of an article by Vance Havner which appeared in the journal Logos on March 1, 1978. Parts two and three are to follow. In these wild and weird and wicked times, the work of the preacher is being rethought and revamped and reexamined. He’s ... Read More »

Preaching with Integrity

I recently came across a post from a well-known conference preacher detailing how, during his research for sermon fodder, he noticed that there was a recurring outline that several of the sermons he was reading had in common. He then went on to decry the use o... Read More »

The Preacher and the Importance of Godly Character

1 Peter 1:1-2; 13-16 Peter begins his epistle by calling believers “Temporary residents”. That term literally means “beside the people.” It reveals the necessary separation and the dynamic saturation of believers in the world. We are always resident al... Read More »