Old Testament Narrative

Old Testament Narratives are units of thought that fit within the larger framework of an Old Testament Book.

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SWBTS Chapel – Jay Heflin (1969)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. Jay Heflin. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – R. Fuller (1969)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. R. Fuller. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – Gordon Clinard (1969)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. Gordon Clinard. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – Gordon Clinard (1969)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. Gordon Clinard. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – Gordon Clinard (1969)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. Gordon Clinard. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – D. E. Garland (1969)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. D. E. Garland. Read More »

The New Testament Use of Isaiah

Isaiah might be called the prophet for the New Testament. Isaiah is quoted more than twice as much as any other major prophet and more than all of the minor prophets combined. Because of the abundant use that New Testament writers make of Isaiah, some have sou... Read More »

Some Guidelines for Interpreting Old Testament Prophecy Applied to Isaiah 40-66

The latter part of the Book of Isaiah (chapters 40-66) contains some · of the most profound teachings of the Old Testament. Nobility of thought and expression, the spiritual insight of the writer (or writers), the content of the oracles (most of them in poeti... Read More »

Great Themes in Isaiah 40-66

Introduction The book of Isaiah is composed of three natural divisions: sayings, principally of judgment, chapters 1-35; historical narratives, chapters 36-39 (almost identical with II Kings 18:13-20:19); and sayings, principally of comfort, chapters 40-66. Ib... Read More »

Introducing Isaiah

In sheer majesty and grandeur, to say nothing of immensity of size and theological significance, the book of Isaiah towers like some awesome cathedral over much of Old Testament literature. Like an ancient cathedral in modem Europe, however, Isaiah, too, is th... Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – Roy Fish (1968)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. Roy Fish. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – T. W. Hunt (1968)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. T. W. Hunt. Read More »