Genesis 2

Genesis 2:18-25

Genesis 2:18-25 Locate the passage The passage is part of Day 6 of creation. It is part of the narrowing focus on this day that began in 2:4. This was a busy day. Genre The passage is narrative. The divine conversation in 2:18 appears directed to the Godhead a... Read More »

Genesis 2:4-17

Generation II: The Generations of the Heavens and the Earth Genesis 2:4-17 Locate the passage This pericope is a close-up examination of Day Six of creation. This is the first of eleven occurrences of the word “toledoth” which outlines the structure of the... Read More »

Genesis 1:3-2:3

Generation I: In the Beginning Gen. 1:3-2:3 Locate the passage This pericope contains the days of creation and the Divine assessments of them. The division through 2:3 concludes the first 7 days. Here are recorded the six days of creation and the Sabbath day o... Read More »

Engage in the Battle

SWBTS Chapel sermon called Engage in the Battle by IMB president, Dr. David Platt. Read More »

From Creation to Fall

SWBTS Chapel sermon called From Creation to Fall by Dr. Mac Brunson. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – Paige Patterson (2004)

Chapel sermon by Dr. Paige Patterson. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – Jay Heflin (1993)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. Jay Heflin. Read More »