Text-Driven Blog

Reverse Engineering the First Christian Sermon

I rarely saw my father get angry. However, I distinctly remember two occasions, and they both had to do with a lawnmower. The first one was when my 5-year-old brother looked at the lawnmower, unscrewed the gas cap, and began filling the gas tank with grass cli... Read More »

The Theology of Text-Driven Preaching: God Has Spoken

John Stott, in his classic work Between Two Worlds, insightfully commented that the essential secret of preaching is not “mastering certain techniques, but being mastered by certain convictions.” The key theological principle underlying text-driven... Read More »

The Use of Illustrations in Text-Driven Preaching

One of the first things that people who teach Sunday school or are in ministry ask me when they find out I am a preaching professor is “Where can I find good illustrations?” This is the question of origination. But before giving good places to find... Read More »

Mellowed Memories of South China: Part 2

When the Chinese do come to know personally and intimately the Holy Spirit of the one true living God, they have a matchless zest for service. To witness to loved ones, friends and others, is the natural passion. Many, like the President of China, Chiang Kai S... Read More »

Mellowed Memories of South China: Part 1

It was just a year ago (February) that I was in China. I began my six months’ missionary journey in South China. And while I was there some one suggested that I wait a full year to write very much about my experiences and observations. Another advised th... Read More »

An Interlude

While recalling my months in China, my memories of the several missions and their representative sta­tions, out-stations, schools, hospitals and other mediums for contacting the people for Christ, are often broken by an interlude of following one type of work... Read More »

Article on Inabelle G. Coleman

An Evangel of God’s Love Miss lnabelle G. Coleman Visits Wuchow Missionary Robert E. Beddoe. M.D., Wuchow Chiua It had not been my lot to know Miss Coleman in person, though I had corresponded with her in her capacity of editorial secretary of the Foreig... Read More »

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