Text-Driven Preaching

A Book Review of Recapturing the Voice of God

Recapturing the Voice of God by Steven W. Smith To observe what is counted as preaching in the modern day is one of the strangest journeys imaginable. In this thought-provoking volume, Steven Smith makes a claim in the title that, though stunning, should be ob... Read More »

Why Genre Matters in Preaching

Riding on the City of New Orleans, Illinois Central Monday morning rail Fifteen cars and fifteen restless riders, Three conductors and twenty-five sacks of mail. All along the southbound odyssey The train pulls out at Kankakee Rolls along past houses, farms an... Read More »

The Essential Elements of Text-Driven Preaching

What is expository, text-driven preaching? Exposition is the translation and communication of a biblical text. This definition shows the two parts of preaching. Many will read this definition and wonder if I am really implying that preachers should actually tr... Read More »

The Results of Text-Driven Preaching

What can you expect if you preach the Bible? What will God do in your church and in the hearts of your people if you do anointed Bible teaching? There is a vast difference between well prepared and delivered Bible study and anointed Bible teaching. Excellent p... Read More »

The Theology of Text-Driven Preaching: God Has Spoken

John Stott, in his classic work Between Two Worlds, insightfully commented that the essential secret of preaching is not “mastering certain techniques, but being mastered by certain convictions.” The key theological principle underlying text-driven... Read More »

The Use of Illustrations in Text-Driven Preaching

One of the first things that people who teach Sunday school or are in ministry ask me when they find out I am a preaching professor is “Where can I find good illustrations?” This is the question of origination. But before giving good places to find... Read More »