
A Teaching Outline of the Gospel of Mark

Prologue: Events preceding the ministry of Jesus, 1:1-13 John the Baptist prepares the way for the ministry of Jesus by preaching in the wilderness, 1:1-8 Jesus comes to John for baptism, 1:9-11 Jesus is tempted by Satan, 1:12, 13 The early stages of the Galil... Read More »

Preaching from Mark’s Gospel

The good news of God, of which Jesus Christ is the source and substance, is so contrary to logic, so abrasive to finer sensi­bilities, so disarming in its stark plainness, so scandalous to sophisticated minds that ministers who stand before cultured, technolo... Read More »

The Theology of Mark’s Gospel

Introducing the Gospel The reader may well ponder the striking paradox of the above title. Mark’s gospel carries, in the popular imagination and much pastoral use, the reputation of being the most un­complicated and straightforward report of Jesus’... Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – Jay Heflin (1973)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. Jay Heflin. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – J. Allen (1973)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. J. Allen. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – L. D. Munn (1961)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. L. D. Munn. Read More »

SWBTS Chapel – T. W. Hunt (1960)

SWBTS Chapel sermon by Dr. T. W. Hunt. Read More »

An Exegetical Approach to the Eschatology of Mark

The word “eschatology” is derived from two Greek words: the adjective eschatos meaning “last”, and the noun logos meaning, in this instance, “doctrine” or “teaching”. Eschatology is, therefore, a study of the doc... Read More »

The Christ of Mark’s Gospel

Certain fundamental assumptions and convictions are necessary to appraise the teaching of the Gospel of Mark concerning the person of Christ. This study of the Christology of Mark is made on the basis of the following assumptions and convictions. First, the Go... Read More »

Preaching Values in Mark’s Gospel

“What shall I preach Sunday?”   “What text can I use this week?”   “What need must I meet in my next sermon?”   These questions disturb and harrass every conscientious and sincere preacher as Sundays and Wednesdays com... Read More »