Preaching in the Spirit

James L. Heflin  |  Southwestern Journal of Theology Vol. 28 - Summer 1986

Preaching in the Spirit. By Dennis F. Kinlaw. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Francis Asbury Press, 1985.126 pages. Paper, $6.95.  

The Holy Spirit’s work is an indispensable element of the preaching event. Occasionally preachers need to be reminded of that great truth. Kinlaw, Ministerat-large for the Christian Holiness Association, has provided such a reminder. Kinlaw is an ordained minister of the Methodist Church and has served as a college president. The material in this book was first presented in the form of lectures at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College.  

Preachers may present the Scriptures in a way that will meet the needs of the people who hear them only through the enlightening power of the Holy Spirit. This is the thesis of Kinlaw’s book. He addresses a rather broad range of subjects, including the minister’s own responsibility to be in fellowship with Christ, the work of the Spirit in the lives of those who hear sermons, God’s presence in corporate worship, the relationship of the Word of revelation to the Word in creation, and the ‘law of the second witness.”  

Kinlaw addresses his subject from a biblical and practical orientation. His primary concern, the dynamic influence of the Holy Spirit on the preaching event, is evident because it is stated clearly, but at times the book lacks continuity, clarity, and unity The book is helpful because of the nature of its contents. Those who read it should be prepared to examine their own level of spirituality, a good exercise for all Christians.  

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