Preaching from the Inside Out

Grant Lovejoy  |  Southwestern Journal of Theology Vol. 36 - Fall 1993

Preaching From the Inside Out. By Charles B. Bugg. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1992. 144 pages. Paper, $14.95.  

Enthusiasm for our message can greatly help a sermon. Charles B. Bugg’s Preaching From the Inside Out shows that enthusiasm can do wonders for a book, too. Bugg’s love for preaching is infectious. Though he writes with surprising frankness about his own miscues in the pulpit, he stands firm in his conviction that preaching matters, truly matters.  

Bugg, professor of preaching at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, explores preaching from inside the preacher’s context, from inside the text, and from inside the gospel. In each case he rightly directs his readers to think about the nature of preaching as an encouragement and as a guide in shaping their preaching. The significance of the task gives zeal for the task.  

Every preacher can benefit from Preaching From the Inside Out. Bugg offers concise and well-informed discussions of a number of key aspects of preaching: tending to our spiritual health, understanding contemporary hearers, grasping the sermon’s role in worship, and connecting the listeners with the text effectively. Beginners and experienced preachers alike will find encouragement and sound guidance here.  

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